About Me

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Michelle Azar
I'm a Christian, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and an unemployed teacher taking advantage of this extended vacation by improving my cooking, photography, and crafting skills (and blogs). My wonderful husband, Mario, says things like, "Don't forget to pack your knicks and knacks," and, "What are Q-tips called?" Some of my favorite things to do (other than cooking, photography, and crafting) are reading and watching John Cena movies! I hope you enjoy my blogs and thanks for stopping by!
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Although sharing is caring, please do not use my photos without written permission from me. Also, please link back to my site if you replicate or are inspired by anything I present on my blog. Thanks! :)


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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Current Table and Past Tables

I didn't grow up in a home that had the table always neatly decorated like Pottery Barn. My mom's table contained the obligatory napkin holder with the salt and pepper shakers on either sides as well as the occasional set of holiday placemats. I got into tablescapes because of my dear friend, Lacee. She is an expert in home decor and her style rubbed off on me, but I got to teach her some great recipes and help her enjoy cooking more than she had in the past!

Current Table

Christmas Table
Can you believe I forgot to take pictures of this table?! I can't! It was very similar to last year's table, though, so you get the point!

Thanksgiving Table

Halloween Table

Christmas Table

Thanksgiving Table


So, I decided today in the middle of teaching a lesson on setting that I need to separate my food blogs from my scrapbooking and decor blogs. So, you can find my food at http://justplayingwithfood.blogspot.com. For this blog, though, you'll find all 3 of my scrapping and decorating projects I have time to get done in a month...er...school year... I'd love some suggestions on the scrapping and/or the decor.
