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Michelle Azar
I'm a Christian, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and an unemployed teacher taking advantage of this extended vacation by improving my cooking, photography, and crafting skills (and blogs). My wonderful husband, Mario, says things like, "Don't forget to pack your knicks and knacks," and, "What are Q-tips called?" Some of my favorite things to do (other than cooking, photography, and crafting) are reading and watching John Cena movies! I hope you enjoy my blogs and thanks for stopping by!
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Although sharing is caring, please do not use my photos without written permission from me. Also, please link back to my site if you replicate or are inspired by anything I present on my blog. Thanks! :)
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God's Grace

I know you've been there...you know, that desert place where it seems like the wind is whipping millions of particles of dust into your face, you twist your ankle trying to walk in sinking sand, and you haven't had a drink in what seems like decades. Well, I've been there too. In fact, I'd venture to say that I'm being brought through that place right now.

But, there is hope. That hope comes from the One above who endured far more than I have/am/will in this life. I am beginning to see the fruits of my faith, the results of a resistance to giving in. A picture for you: imagine a wall falling down towards you. You have a split-second to decide...what do you do? Do you run away and hope you don't get crushed, do you try to carry the weight of the wall on your back, do you turn around and face the wall head on and try to push it up yourself, or do you call in the big guns and ask for help? I think it's obvious what a Christian does. If it's not so obvious, let me tell you: he asks for help. There's no way we can face the "walls" of life on our own and it's too dangerous to try to escape them.

Hebrews chapter 11 has been called "The Faith Chapter." It talks about numerous times when people have had to have faith in God and His promises. I am confident that Isaiah 40:31 speaks the truth in saying "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." If you have ever doubted the power of God (I know I have!), I'm telling you today to be faithful and hope in Him for He is bigger than anything in this world.
